Dark Moves

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Revision as of 19:07, 29 June 2020 by WikiAdmin (talk | contribs)

Moves by Type

Tier 1

Bite ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Dark Damage. If the target has higher initiative than you, they become Flinched.
Critical or SE: Make a free Grapple against the target.
Boost: The attack is automatically a Critical Hit on a hit, or deals Resisted damage on a miss.

Brutal Swing ✦ Dark Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, All Adjacent Targets ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 2d6 Physical Dark Damage.
Miss: Push 1.
Boost: +1d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. All targets are Marked by you for one full round.

Crunch ✦ Dark Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 3d6 Physical Dark Damage. If the target begins and ends their next turn adjacent to you, they lose two Ticks of HP.
Boost: +2d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. Increase the HP loss on remaining adjacent to three Ticks.

Depressive Episode ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 2d6 Special Dark Damage.
Critical or SE: The target is Slowed (save ends).

Fake Tears ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social, Limited
Targets: Range 8, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target is Vulnerable for one full round, and if it attacks you during the next full round, it becomes Weakened for one full round after the attack resolves.

Nasty Plot ✦ Dark Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Maneuver, Buff
Targets: Self
Always: Gain one Charge of the Special Scheme Buff. As long as you have any Charges of the Special Scheme Buff, gain a +6/8/10 bonus to all damage dealt by Ranged Special attacks. You may spend a Special Scheme Buff as a Free Action on your turn when you miss all targets with a Special attack to repeat that attack against a different target (or set of targets). Include the Special Scheme Buff bonus damage on this attack. You may only spend one Special Scheme Buff each turn.
Boost: Immediately gain 2 AP which you can only spend on Tricks and Maneuvers.

Snarl ✦ Dark Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Social, Sonic
Targets: Cone 2 ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 2d6 Special Dark Damage.
Always: The targets deal Special Damage as if Resisted one step further until the end of their next turn (Limited).
Boost: Snarl becomes your choice of a Cone 3 or a Burst 1. Half damage on miss.

Taunt ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social, Limited
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target becomes Enraged (Save Ends).

Torment ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social
Targets: Range 4, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: Roll 1d6, and apply the resulting effect. 1: The target loses a Tick of hit points, 2: The target is Enraged (save ends), 3: The target is Infatuated with you (save ends), 4: The target is Confused (save ends), 5: The target is Slowed (save ends), 6: The target is Blinded until the start of your next turn.

Tier 2

Tier 3