Bug Moves

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Moves by Type

Tier 1

Bug Bite ✦ Bug Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 2D Physical Bug Damage. Choose a Buff the target has. They lose that Buff, and you gain it. If the Buff has multiple Charges you only steal one Charge.

Lunge ✦ Bug Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Inaccurate
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 3d6 Physical Bug Damage.
Always: After you use Lunge, you may Disengage into any square adjacent to the target. If you end your turn adjacent to the target, they gain a -3/4/5 penalty to their next damage roll.

Pheromone Spray ✦ Bug Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 2d6 Special Bug Damage. The next attack you or an ally makes against the target gets +1 Boon to Accuracy roll.

Pin Missile ✦ Bug Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 1d6 Physical Bug Damage.
Always: Roll Accuracy an additional time against one target or repeat this attack against a different target. If you hit the same target more than once, this attack deals +1d6 damage and they become Stuck (Save Ends). On their turn, the target may also spend 1 AP as a Maneuver to cure themselves of being Stuck, but they then lose a Tick of Hit Points if they do so.

Tier 2

Tier 3