Vibe Check

From Pokemon Tabletop Wiki
Vibe Check
Free Action, Scene x1
Trigger: You use a move that targets a character besides yourself.
Target: One of the targets of the triggering Move
Effect: The target chooses to grant you either the Positive Vibe or Negative Vibe status. You gain the following effects depending on your Vibe:
  • Positive: You gain +1 Resolve while you have a Positive Vibe. You may expend the Positive Vibe Status when using a Maneuver on an ally to give them a Tick of Temporary HP (this stacks with any Temporary HP you might already be giving with Healer’s Touch or the Maneuver).
  • Negative: You gain a +3/4/5 damage bonus to Special attacks while you have this status. You may Expend the Negative Vibe status when hitting with a Strike to make one of the targets Vulnerable for one full Round.

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