Switch Hitter

From Pokemon Tabletop Wiki

Switch Hitter
HP: Medium
Defenses: 8,6,4
Initiative Mod: +1

Switch Hitter Abilities
Versatile Attacker: Roll all damage dice for attacks, including bonuses from Boosts and other effects, as d8s instead of d6s.
Rhythm of Battle: The first time you use a Strike Move each Scene, gain +1 Boon to your Accuracy Roll. When you use a Ranged, Blast, or Line Strike Move, if the last Strike Move you used was Melee, Burst, or Pass, gain +1 Boon to your Accuracy Roll. When you use a Melee, Burst, or Pass Strike Move, if the last Strike Move you used was Ranged, Blast, or Line, gain +1 Boon to your Accuracy Roll.