Corsola (Galarian)

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Corsola (Galarian) — Type: Ghost

Corsola (Galarian)

Favored Skills: Focus, Presence
Deficient Skill: Survival
Home Turf:
Gifts: Phasing, Invisibility

Initiative: 1
Movement: 5 Levitate
Size: Small

Physical Armor: +3/4/5 Armor vs Physical Damage.
Special Armor: +3/4/5 Armor vs Special Damage.

Defense Priority: Resolve > Evasion > Vigor
Basic Attacks: Physical Normal Melee, Special Ranged Ghost


Tank Role Guardian
A Defensive Role that can intercept attacks aimed at its allies.
Support Role Breaker
A Support Role that uses Tricks to increase the damage enemies take from allies' attacks.
Tank Role Suppressor
A Defensive Role that locks down an area and threatens foes that enter or leave it with ranged attacks.


Cursed Body
Free Action, Scene x1
Trigger: You are hit by a Move.
Effect: Disable (Persistent) the Triggering Move.


Starting Moves

Drain Life ✦ Ghost Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Drain
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Special Ghost Damage.
Always: If a Melee Strike causes you to become Shaken, you may use Drain Life against the attacker as a Free Action immediately after the attack is resolved.
Boost: +2d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss.

Ancient Power ✦ Rock Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 2d6 Special Rock Damage.
Special: On a Critical Hit, for one full round, you gain +3/4/5 Armor against all damage, deal +3/4/5 damage with all damaging attacks, and gain a +2 bonus to Initiative and to all Defenses.
Boost: +1d6 Damage. You Critically Hit with Ancient Power.

Spite ✦ Ghost Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The last Move the target used is Disabled. You may only Disable one Move at a time this way. If you Disable a new Move, the old one is no longer Disabled.

Tier 1 Natural Moves

Night Shade ✦ Ghost Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 2d6 Special Ghost Damage.
Always: The target treats you as if they were Blind until the end of their next turn. This effect is Limited.
Boost: +2d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. Night Shade’s Always effect applies to your adjacent allies too.

Draining Kiss ✦ Fairy Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Drain
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Special Fairy Damage.
Critical or SE: On their next turn, the target becomes Slowed until the end of their turn if they move away from you.
Boost: +2d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on a miss.

Scary Face ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Limited, Social
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target has their Initiative lowered by 2 and becomes Slowed until the end of their next turn. If they voluntarily Move closer to you while Slowed in this way, they take +1 Bane on all rolls until the end of their next turn.

Tier 1 Tutor Moves

Aurora Beam ✦ Ice Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 2d6 Special Ice Damage.
Critical or SE: The target deals Physical Damage as if it were Resisted one step further until the end of their next turn.

Growth ✦ Grass Type tier 1
2 AP, Scene x1 ✦ Maneuver, Buff
Targets: Self
Always: You gain the Grown Up buff. While Grown Up, your attacks deal +1d6 Damage, your Size is increased by +1(to a maximum of Large), and allies may treat you as Cover. You may expend the Grown Up Buff when hitting with an attack to Push all targets of the attack 2 Squares and knock them Prone.
Boost: While Grown Up, increase your Reach by +1 and increase the Damage boost to +2d6.