Zigzagoon (Galarian)

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Zigzagoon (Galarian) — Type: Dark/Normal

Zigzagoon (Galarian)

Favored Skills: Finesse, Covertness
Deficient Skill: Force
Home Turf: Grassland
Gifts: Placeholder

Initiative: 4
Movement: 6
Size: Small

Physical Attacker: +3/4/5 Physical Damage.
Quick Feet: You may Sprint for 1 AP instead of 2 AP.

Defense Priority: Evasion > Vigor > Resolve
Basic Attacks: Physical Innate Melee


DPS Role Skirmisher
An Offensive Role that can engage and disengage quickly while fighting in melee.
DPS Role Lurker
An Offensive Role which benefits from attacking while Hidden.
Support Role Trickster
A Support Role which tries to remain hidden while using Tricks to confound the enemy.


Free Action, At-Will
Trigger: You hit a foe with an attack.
Effect: You may spend 1 AP to gain one Charge of the Gremlin Buff. You may have a maximum of 3 Charges of the Gremlin Buff at any time. While you have any Charges of the Gremlin Buff, Tricks have +1 Bane to Accuracy Rolls against you. Once per Scene on your turn, you may spend all Charges of the Gremlin Buff as a free Action. When you do, you gain X AP that only you can spend, where X is equal to twice the number of Charges spent. You may use that AP only to use Tricks, and you may Disengage 2 between each different Trick you use.

Free Action, Scene x1
Effect: Hide as a Free Action (you must still meet all requirements). The next time this Scene you hit with a damaging attack while Hidden, choose one of the following effects:
  • Choose a hit target. It falls Prone and all allies have +3 to Critical Hit Range against the target while it is Prone.
  • Choose a hit target. They take their next turn as if their Initiative was 0, and they are Vulnerable until the end of that turn.


Starting Moves

Bite ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Dark Damage. If the target has higher initiative than you, they become Flinched.
Critical or SE: Make a free Grapple against the target.
Boost: The attack is automatically a Critical Hit on a hit, or deals Resisted damage on a miss.

Sand Attack ✦ Ground Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Limited
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target is Blinded until the end of its next turn.

Lick ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Normal Damage. The target is Marked by you for one full round.
Critical or SE: The target is Paralyzed.

Tier 1 Natural Moves

Scary Face ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Limited, Social
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target has their Initiative lowered by 2 and becomes Slowed until the end of their next turn. If they voluntarily Move closer to you while Slowed in this way, they take +1 Bane on all rolls until the end of their next turn.

Pin Missile ✦ Bug Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 5, 1 Target ✦ vs Evasion
Hit: 1d6 Physical Bug Damage.
Always: Roll Accuracy an additional time against one target or repeat this attack against a different target. If you hit the same target more than once, this attack deals +1d6 damage and they become Stuck (Save Ends). On their turn, the target may also spend 1 AP as a Maneuver to cure themselves of being Stuck, but they then lose a Tick of Hit Points if they do so.

Dig ✦ Ground Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 3d6 Physical Ground Damage.
Always: You may spend a Movement Action when using Dig to burrow into soft ground (dirt, sand, mud, etc) and move up to your speed underground, passing under obstacles, before emerging from the ground and using Dig.
Boost: +2d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. The pathway you burrow becomes a stable tunnel that other characters your size and smaller can move through.

Tier 1 Tutor Moves

Iron Head ✦ Steel Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Steel Damage.
Critical or SE: The target is pushed 1 meter away and knocked prone.
Special: You may forfeit your Move action when you hit with this attack; if you do, the target is Flinched.

Torment ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social
Targets: Range 4, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: Roll 1d6, and apply the resulting effect. 1: The target loses a Tick of hit points, 2: The target is Enraged (save ends), 3: The target is Infatuated with you (save ends), 4: The target is Confused (save ends), 5: The target is Slowed (save ends), 6: The target is Blinded until the start of your next turn.