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Hatenna — Type: Psychic


Favored Skills: Insight, Presence
Deficient Skill: Finesse
Home Turf:
Gifts: Telekinesis, Empath

Initiative: 2
Movement: 6
Size: Small

Special Attacker: +3/4/5 Special Damage.
Anticipation: The first time each Round you are targeted by an attack that would deal Super-Effective damage, that attack gains +1 Bane to its Accuracy Roll.

Defense Priority: Resolve > Vigor > Evasion
Basic Attacks: Special Innate Ranged


DPS Role Artillery
An Offensive Role that specializes in ranged area of effect attacks.
Support Role Healer
A Support Role which heals its allies and helps them succeed at Save Checks.
Tank Role Suppressor
A Defensive Role that locks down an area and threatens foes that enter or leave it with ranged attacks.


Vibe Check
Free Action, Scene x1
Trigger: You use a move that targets a character besides yourself.
Target: One of the targets of the triggering Move
Effect: The target chooses to grant you either the Positive Vibe or Negative Vibe status. You gain the following effects depending on your Vibe:
  • Positive: You gain +1 Resolve while you have a Positive Vibe. You may expend the Positive Vibe Status when using a Maneuver on an ally to give them a Tick of Temporary HP (this stacks with any Temporary HP you might already be giving with Healer’s Touch or the Maneuver).
  • Negative: You gain a +3/4/5 damage bonus to Special attacks while you have this status. You may Expend the Negative Vibe status when hitting with a Strike to make one of the targets Vulnerable for one full Round.


Starting Moves

Mind Blast ✦ Psychic Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 4, Blast 2 ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 1d6 Special Psychic Damage. Deals +1d6 damage to targets suffering from a Mental Status Condition.

Disarming Voice ✦ Fairy Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Sonic
Targets: Burst 1 ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 1d6 Special Fairy Damage.
Always: All targets have +1 Bane on Accuracy Rolls against you for one full round. You may Disengage 1.
Boost: +1d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. On a hit, targets that target you with a Strike before the end of their next turn become Weakened for one full round. This effect applies before damage is resolved.

Encourage ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Maneuver, Limited
Targets: Range 4, 1 Target
Always: Choose one effect below.

- The target may immediately make a Save Check with +1 Boon for one Status Condition they have which is Save Ends. - The target gains a Tick of Temporary Hit Points. - The target may stand up from Prone or attempt to break free from a Grapple as a Free Action.

Tier 1 Natural Moves

Life Dew ✦ Water Type tier 1
1 AP, Scene x2 ✦ Maneuver
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target
Always: The target gains 1 Tick of Temporary Hit Points. If the target was Shaken, they instead gain Temporary Hit Points equal to their Recovery Value.

Charm ✦ Fairy Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social, Limited
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target chooses: either become Weakened for one full round, or it must immediately Move towards you, getting as close as possible. This consumes its next Move Action.

Fountain Blast ✦ Water Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 6, Blast 2 ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Special Water Damage.
Critical or SE: Targets are Slowed (Save Ends).
Boost: Becomes a Ranged Blast 3. Half damage on miss.

Tier 1 Tutor Moves

Snarl ✦ Dark Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike, Social, Sonic
Targets: Cone 2 ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 2d6 Special Dark Damage.
Always: The targets deal Special Damage as if Resisted one step further until the end of their next turn (Limited).
Boost: Snarl becomes your choice of a Cone 3 or a Burst 1. Half damage on miss.

Glimmer Ray ✦ Fairy Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: 3d6 Special Fairy Damage.
Always: Glimmer Ray creates a Zone in a line between you and the target that lasts for one full round. Attacks that target through this Zone take +1 Bane to Accuracy Roll.
Boost: Targets a Line 6, Friendly. Resisted Damage on miss. Allies caught in the Glimmer Ray add +1 Boon to their next Accuracy roll made before the end of their next turn.