Darumaka (Galarian)

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Darumaka (Galarian) — Type: Ice

Darumaka (Galarian)

Favored Skills: Force, Traversal
Deficient Skill: Focus
Home Turf: Tundra
Gifts: Placeholder

Initiative: 2
Movement: 6
Size: Small

Hustle: +6/8/10 Damage and +1 Bane to Accuracy for all Physical Melee Strikes.

Defense Priority: Vigor > Evasion > Resolve
Basic Attacks: Physical Innate Melee


DPS Role Juggernaut
An Offensive Role that closes the gap between itself and foes quickly with charging attacks.
DPS Role Brawler
An Offensive Role that excels at flanking and melee attacks against isolated enemies.
Tank Role Bulwark
A Defensive Role that stops enemies in their tracks and acts as Cover for allies.


Inner Focus
Effect: The user cannot be Flinched, their Initiative cannot be unwillingly lowered by any effects, and they get a +3 bonus to all Save Checks.

Ice Body
Free Action, Daily x5
Effect: Gain 1 Tick of Temporary Hit Points. Ice Body may only be used if the user is in Hail Weather, is standing on ice or snow terrain, or is Shaken. Ice Body may only be used once per round.


Starting Moves

Avalanche ✦ Ice Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Ice Damage. If you are Shaken, Avalanche deals +2d6 Damage.
Critical or SE: The target is Flinched.

Yawn ✦ Normal Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social, Limited
Targets: Burst 1 ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: On the targets’ next turn, they may spend 2 AP as an Interact Maneuver to perk up. If they do not, they fall Asleep (Save Ends) at the end of their turn.
Always: The user and all targets become Weakened until the end of their next turn.
Boost: Yawn gains the Friendly Keyword. The user no longer becomes Weakened as a result of Yawn.

Rock Smash ✦ Fighting Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Fighting Damage. The target’s Vigor is reduced by the user’s Tier until the end of the Scene. Limited.

Tier 1 Natural Moves

Bite ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Dark Damage. If the target has higher initiative than you, they become Flinched.
Critical or SE: Make a free Grapple against the target.
Boost: The attack is automatically a Critical Hit on a hit, or deals Resisted damage on a miss.

Headbutt ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Normal Damage.
Critical or SE: The target is pushed 1 meter away and knocked prone.
Special: You may forfeit your Move action when you hit with this attack; if you do, the target is Flinched.

Taunt ✦ Dark Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Trick, Social, Limited
Targets: Range 6, 1 Target ✦ vs Resolve
Hit: The target becomes Enraged (Save Ends).

Tier 1 Tutor Moves

Fire Fang ✦ Fire Type tier 1
2 AP, At-Will ✦ Strike
Targets: Melee, 1 Target ✦ vs Vigor
Hit: 2d6 Physical Fire Damage. If the target begins and ends their next turn adjacent to you, they gain Ongoing Damage 5/8/10 (Fire, Save Ends). If they already had Ongoing Damage (Fire) when this effect triggers, instead they are Flinched.
Critical or SE: The target gains Ongoing Damage 5/8/10 (Fire, Save Ends).
Boost: +1d6 Damage. Resisted Damage on miss. Always, the target is Slowed.

Focus Energy ✦ Normal Type tier 1
1 AP, At-Will ✦ Maneuver, Buff
Targets: Self
Always: You gain the Pumped Buff. While Pumped, your Critical Hit Range increases by +3. When you Critically Hit with an attack, lose the Pumped Buff.