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ZetaBoards Under DDOS Attack
Artwork by pikadigitouhou
As you’ve probably noticed, the Pokémon Tabletop forums have been down or very intermittently available during this holiday period. Our forums run off ZetaBoard’s free forum service, and according to their Twitter account, they’ve been hit by a big DDOS attack that’s even taken down their own support forums.
I wish there were more we could do right now, but I felt I should at least make a post informing everyone of what’s happening. I know it must be frustrating for all of you who have play-by-post games you were hoping to advance during the holiday weekend, and I hope this gets resolved as quickly as possible.
If you ever want to check on the status of the ZetaBoards forums, you can visit this website. The Pokémon Tabletop forums are hosted on the s4 server. Compared to how it looked yesterday night when I got home from my friends’ post-Thanksgiving dinner, there’s already a lot less red on the page. Hopefully, this means ZetaBoards is getting close to resolving this issue. To our American audience, I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! And to everyone else, I hope you’ve been enjoying your week as well!
Under New Management
Hello, everyone! I’m Elemental Knight. You might recognize me from my work in homebrewing up spreadsheets for the Pokemon Tabletop games, or as the GM of a long-running campaign under those same systems.
For a while now, the main PokemonTabletop site has laid fallow – unupdated, and only marginally functional. I’ve convinced the previous administrator, Blazedd, to allow me to take up the reins. This means I can keep it updated, functional, and accessible, with more ease and speed than I previously was.
The forums should still be accessible through the subdomain, so for most folks, this changeover should be unnoticed. But over the coming weeks, I intend to turn this website from a simple landing page into a hub of Pokemon Tabletop resources and information… Or, at least, a more correct landing page. Until then, though, continue using the forums site as your primary source for all things Pokemon Tabletop.